About Us

As we progress through the 21st century, we humans are at a crucial crossroads where skills beyond traditional academics are more indispensable than ever. Humanity is evolving rapidly, and these competencies aren't just essential for working prospects, they're paramount to maintaining and improving mental health, which ultimately influences the effective functioning of our societies at every level.

These essential capabilities are known by various terms: Psychosocial Skills, Soft Skills, Life Skills, Transferable Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Non-Cognitive Skills, Employability Skills, Personal Competencies, Intrapersonal Skills, Self-Management Skills, Essential Skills and Adaptive Skills, to name a few.

Historically underappreciated, these non-academic competencies arm individuals with the tools needed to navigate life's complex tapestry, cultivate fruitful relationships, and manage personal emotions and behaviours. They are intrinsically valuable, forming the bedrock of sustainable mental health.


We are a non-profit organization based in Uganda, dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being for the general population. Our team of experts includes mental health professionals, educators, and advocates who are passionate about improving the lives of people. We collaborate with schools, organizations and communities to develop and implement initiatives that promote mental health and prevent mental problems.

With a strong commitment to evidence-based practices and a dedication to providing the best possible resources and support, our organization is committed to making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Whether through training programs, educational resources, or direct support services, we strive to create a better future for everyone in our communities.


Our vision is a world where mental health education is a foundational component of any school and adult curriculum. We believe that by prioritizing mental health, our societies will transform into being more peaceful, compassionate, sustainable, and optimistic; leading to a better quality of life for all, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Our mission is to contribute to the emergence of this better version of our world. Through our work, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of mental health, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, and empower as many people as possible with the support and resources they need to improve their mental health.

Join us to ensure that mental health is a priority in our communities and that everyone has access to the resources and support they need to thrive. Together, we can make a difference.

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